9. februar 2023

Rydhave event for Danish companies doing business in the United States – at the U.S. Ambassador residence

Thomas Thorup

Today, Thomas Thorup Law sponsored and co-hosted a lunch and roundtable discussion event with the U.S. Embassy Commercial Service, held at Rydhave, the U.S. Ambassador residence in Charlottenlund, Denmark, for a select group of successful Danish companies doing business in the United States.

The event was a great opportunity for Danish business leaders to share experiences, insights, and learnings from their U.S. business operations, including legal, regulatory and other challenges.

We are proud and honored to work closely with the U.S. Embassy in Denmark, not in the least the amazing team in the Commercial Service, to assist Danish companies succeed in the U.S.

I would like to thank the U.S. Embassy Commercial Service, the wonderful staff at Rydhave, and all of our guests for participating.

(The venue for this event was particularly fitting for this date, the 4th of May, on the eve of the 77th anniversary of the end of the German occupation of Denmark during World War II. Rydhave functioned as the residence for Nazi Germany’s reichsbevollmächtiger in Denmark, Werner Best. After the war the United States acquired the property to function as the residence for the U.S. Ambassadors to the Kingdom of Denmark).

Thomas Thorup, advokat (H) (Danmark), Attorney-at-law (California, District of Columbia, Supreme Court of the United States)